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Research and Publications

Genetic Counseling Literature Repository

The Research, Quality, and Outcomes (RQO) Committee is pleased to share the digital Genetic Counseling Literature Repository (GCLR), a searchable, PMID-linked, database completely within NSGC’s website. The NSGC GCLR is a resource to identify articles that: 1) document the value and quality of genetic counseling services and 2) describe clinical and research outcomes relevant to genetic counseling patients. This resource includes peer-reviewed scientific literature and select editorials identified via a structured search protocol, conducted monthly by members of the RQO Committee. The design of the repository will facilitate user queries based on annotations determined by the GCLR Subcommittee. The GCLR will support the NSGC Research Consortium and be available to the NSGC membership.

Repository Maintenance Update

As of January 2025, the Genetic Counseling Literature Repository is no longer being updated. The resource will remain available and articles will be accessible to NSGC members until December 2026.

Please email if you have questions on the Genetic Counseling Literature Repository.

Genetic Counseling Literature Repository Compendia

The Access and Service Delivery (ASD) Committee’s Payer Subcommittee is pleased to share their curated Compendia, which identify articles from NSGC’s Genetic Counseling Literature Repository (formerly the NSGC Payer Bibliography) that they deemed most useful within specific genetic counselor advocacy topics. To access a compendium, click its title below:

