Support the Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act
Medicare beneficiaries face significant barriers in accessing genetic counseling services as the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) do not currently recognize certified genetic counselors (CGC) as healthcare providers. This lack of recognition means CGCs cannot be reimbursed for providing services to Medicare beneficiaries which impedes patients’ access to genetic counseling. Evidence shows that CGCs improve the quality of patients’ healthcare and reduce the costs of genetic services.
Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act Summary
- Would provide status for genetic counselors under Medicare Part B, allowing direct beneficiary access to genetic counselor services.
- Would provide direct reimbursement to genetic counselors for genetic counseling services furnished under Medicare Part B:
- Genetic counseling is currently reimbursed for recognized practitioners.
- Would define genetic counselors as those licensed by states as such; for genetic counselors in states without licensure, the Secretary of HHS would set criteria through regulation - likely American Board of Genetic Counselors certification.
- Would not affect other practitioners that currently provide genetic counseling services
- Would provide for payment of genetic counselors would at 85 percent of the amount determined under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.
- Would allow telemedicine services by genetic counselors.
Advocacy Resources
Review documents related to NSGCs advocacy efforts
Supporting Organizations
View the November 2024 sign-on letter to Congressional leadership signed by nearly 500 organizations urging Congress to include the Access to Genetic Counselor Services Act in an end-of-year legislative package