2025 Board of Directors
Please contact the NSGC Executive Office for contact information for the NSGC Board of Directors.
Board Nominations and Elections
For more information about how the NSGC Board is slated and elected, please visit the Nominations information page.

Shannon Kieran

Colleen Campbell
Immediate Past President

Lila Aiyar

Yue (Guan) Guan

Rachel Mills

Sheetal Parmar

Chris Tan

Aarin Williams

Kenny Wong

Meghan Carey
Executive Director (ex officio)
Click on the name of each committee below to view current committee members.
Access & Service Delivery Committee
- Rachel Bluebond, Chair
- John Zimmerman,Vice Chair
- Charlie King
- Christy Moore
- Megan Yoho
- Shelly Bosworth
- Susan Hahn
- Erin Miller
- Michelle Hogue
- Amanda de Leon
- Amanda Schmader
- Amanda (Schaefer) Odell
- Sara Knapke
- Cara Hein
- Rachel Doberstein
- Amanda Allred
- Charles DeLuca
- Chris Tan, Board Liaison
Advocacy Coordinating Committee
- Emily Partack, Chair
- Carloyn Applegate, Vice Chair
- Angie Trepanier
- Caroline Bertsch
- Emma Van Hook
- Fallon Brewer
- Halie May
- Heather Hussey
- Jen Jacober
- Joy Larsen Haidle
- Katie Stoll
- Katie Tobik
- Kristen Shannon
- Madalyn Charnego
- Natalie Stoner
- Rebecca Cupp
- Sandra Brown
- Yue Guan, Board Liaison
Audrey Heimler Special Project Award Committee
- Kyle Davis, Chair
- Michelle Jacobs, Vice Chair
- Dawn Laney, Immediate Past Chair
- Shannon Terek
- Andrea Sellers
- Juliann McConnell
- Kathryn Leal
- Rachel Mills, Board Liaison
Awards Committee
- Lauren Lichten, Chair
- Terri Blasé, Vice Chair
- Brianna Kay Murphy
- Emily Miller
- Shelly Cummings
- Samantha Montgomery
- Cheyla Clark
- Alexa Badalamenti
- Rachel Mills, NSGC Board Liaison
Beverly Rollnick Memorial Lecture Committee
- Heather Hampel
- Robin Bennett
- Aishwarya Arjunan
Disciplinary Procedures Committee
- Jodie Vento, Chair
- Lisa Demers, Vice Chair
- Brady Bunkleman
- Michelle Takemoto
- Antonina Wojcik
- Meghan Carey, Board Liaison
Education Committee
- Brad Rolf, Education Committe Chair
- Laura Hendon, Education Committee Vice Chair
- Sandra Dreike, Knowledge Assessment Committee Chair
- Rebecca Cupp, Knowledge Assessment Committee Vice Chair
- Hillary Ohlhausen, Knowledge Assessment Committee Past Chair
- Rachel Shapira, Webinar Chair
- Alex Holmes Wadley, Webinar Co-Chair
- Alice Zalan, Webinar Past Chair
- Darcy Huismann, On Demand Subcommittee Chair
- Soham Banerjee, On Demand Subcommittee Vice Chair
- Tanya Eble, CEU Chair
- Whitney Dodge, CEU Vice Chair
- Stephanie Kramer, CEU Past Chair
- Aarin Williams, Board Liaison
Ethics Advisory Group
- Amanda Back, Co-Chair
- Emily Lisi, Co-Chair
- Rikki Caffrey
- Megan Horn
- Colleen Wherley
- Kelly Edge
- Annelise Page
Finance Committee
- Sara Pirzadeh-Miller, President
- Carrie Haverty, President - Elect
- Salma Nassef, Secretary/Treasurer
- Shannon Kieran, Secretary/Treasurer - Elect
- Colleen Campbell, Immediate Past President
- Rachel Mills, Director-at-Large
- Kenny Wong, Director-at-Large
J.E.D.I Stewardship Committee
- Christy H. Smith, Chair
- Andrew Alfonso, Vice Chair
- Sarah Clowes Candadai, Past Chair
- Yusra Aziz
- Ayanna Boyce
- Sarah Brunker
- Chiara Dart
- Amanda de Leon
- Prianka Maripuri
- Zaria Neal
- Rebeca B. Venezia
- Anna Vickrey
- Kenny Wong, Board Liaison
Jane Engleberg Memorial Fellowship (JEMF) Advisory Group
- Sharon Aufox, Chair
- Cindy James, Chair-Elect
- Adam Buchanan, Finance Officer
- Carrie Atzinger
- Colleen Caleshu
- Courtney Berrios
- Emily Edelman, Information Officer
- Erin Carmany
- Karlla Brigatti, Secretary
- Martha Dudek
- Yue Guan
- Rachel Mills, Board Liaison
Membership Committee
- Kalisi Logan, Chair
- Amanda Anglin, Vice Chair
- Kelsey Moriarty
- Barry Tong
- Chiara Dart
- Laura Cooper-Hastings
- Gretchen Maccarick
- Emily Brown
- Brianna Murphy
- Hannah Helber
- Maya Galloway-Pope
- Lila Aiyar, Board Liaison
Nominating Committee
- Colleen Campbell, Chair
- Sara Pirzadeh-Miller
- Sheetal Parmar
- Lila Aiyar
- Carol Brooks
- Kali Roy
- Sophia Ceulemans
- Swetha Narayanan
Position Statement Work Group
Position Statement Work Group page
- Jennifer Proffitt, Chair
- Stephanie Harris, Vice Chair
- Elise Sobotka, Immediate Past Chair
- Sarah Walterman
- Sofia Horan
- Kristen Miller
- Priya Marathe
- Rachel Evard
- Katy Skora
- Salma Nassef, Board Liaison
Practice Guidelines Committee
- Chenery Lowe, Chair
- Marissa Younan, Vice Chair
- Ashley Svenson, Immediate Past Chair
- Beth Leeth
- Juliann McConnell
- Rachel Palmquist
- Rebecca Freeman
- Deb Brugman
- Jeanne Devine
- Katie Howard
- Natasha Lillie
- Marissa Younan
- Mugdha Devalkar
- Lauren Eisemann
- Yi-Lee Ting
- Delaney Pease
- Colleen Campbell, Board Liaison
Perspectives Committee
- Hannah Llorin, Executive Editor
- Julie Solimine
- Chloe Barnett
- Shannon Wieloch
- Christine Tallo
- Camerun Washington
- Devi Priyanka Maripuri
- Lindy Maska
Research, Quality, and Outcomes (RQO) Committee
Research, Quality and Outcomes (RQO) Committee page
- Miranda Hallquist, Chair
- Laura Amendola, Vice Chair
- Kristen Fishler
- Mary Pritzlaff
- Veronica Greve
- Zachary Salvati
- Allison Wheeler
- Brittney Murray
- Courtney Cook
- Jamie Fong
- Kathryn Reyes
- Kyla Holmes
- Magan Trottier
- Pamela Brock
- Jake Plewa
- Hannah Anderson
- Liesl Broadbridge
- Shannon Kieran, Board Liaison
Annual Conference Program Committee
- Sarah Bannon, Chair
- Lydia Higgs, Vice Chair
- Sarah Walterman
- Tahnee Causey
- Susan Manley
- Shellie Kieke
- Kanchi N. Barfiwala
- Maggie Hendrix
- Jennifer Schwab
- Rebecca Oberschmidt
- Shannon Terek
- Kate Wilson
- Daniel Groepper
- Sophia Ceulemans, Immediate Past Chair
- Sheetal Parmar, Board Liaison