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NSGC Endorsements

NSGC Endorsement Policies

NSGC encourages clinical-guideline and resource collaborations internally and externally to help with clinical decision-making and to guide clinical practice to optimize genetic and genomic services. Endorsements help establish consensus and support for recommended clinical practice and positions on specific topics or policies.  Professional organizations may request that NSGC endorse their clinical practice documents (e.g., practice guidelines, practice resources, consensus statements, expert opinions, etc.). 

NSGC practice-guideline and practice-resource author groups may also seek endorsement(s) from external organizations to help bolster the impact, significance, and/or visibility of the document. NSGC’s Practice Guideline Committee created an Endorsement Subcommittee to facilitate the endorsement invitations NSGC receives and issues for its documents. NSGC carries out endorsement requests and processes and carried out according to the Clinical Practice Endorsement Policies within the NSGC Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline Development Manual.

NSGC encourages its author groups to consider endorsement collaborations as early development stage of a clinical practice document. The NSGC Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline Development Manual  includes additional information, documents, request forms, and guidance on endorsement requests. External organization collaboration can include, but is not necessarily limited to, producing a joint guideline/clinical guidance document, providing author representation, or reviewing a draft or final NSGC document to endorse or affirm value.

The PGC considers clinical-document endorsement requests from external organizations, or from NSGC members, Committees, Special Interest Groups, the Board of Directors, or other NSGC groups. The PGC may also actively seek to endorse external documents that may be of value to the NSGC membership. External documents for potential endorsement must be submitted to PGC Staff Liaison, Juliet Sullivan.

NSGC’s Public Policy Committee reviews endorsement requests for position and policy statements, in accordance with the NSGC Position Statement Policy

NSGC creates, reaffirms, revises, and retires its position statements in accordance with the NSGC Position Statement Policy. This policy also outlines the process for requesting/receiving NSGC endorsement for position and policy statements.  If you have any questions or comments on one or more of the above position statements, or would like to request or discuss NSGC endorsement of an external position statement, please contact Juliet Sullivan, Government Relations Associate.

NSGC Endorses the Following Documents

Heart Rhythm Society Consensus Statement: Evaluation, Risk Stratifications, and Managment of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathies (ACM) (November 2019)

Heart Rhythm Society Consensus Statement: Investigation of Decedents with Sudden Unexplained Death and Patients with Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and of Their Families on Evaluation, Risk Stratification, and Management of Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathies (October 2020)

NSGC Affirms the Value of the Following Practice Documents

Annals of Medicine - The Second International Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) (September 2020)

NSGC Endorses the Following Position Statements

Joint Statement in Support of COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for All Health Care Workers (September 2021)

American Society of Human Genetics Statement Regarding Concepts of “Good Genes” and Human Genetics (September 2020)

