Member Updates
Thank You to our 2024 Premier Sponsors
NSGC is pleased to partner with a variety of organizations to support our project, work and initiatives throughout the year. Without the support of these sponsors, NSGC would not be able to provide the high-quality content, education, and offerings to our genetic counselor community.
Updated CPT® Code 96041 Resource Now Available
The new CPT® Code 96041 has officially launched. NSGC is pleased to provide a variety of resources for members to help them navigate this change, including an updated FAQ document and recording of the webinar hosted by the ASD Committee.
2025 Research Initiative Request for Proposals Now Open
The 2025 Research Initiative seeks to demonstrate the direct economic impacts of genetic counselor services in the U.S. and is currently accepting requests for proposals, which are due by March 1. For questions about the proposal or submission process, please contact NSGC Government Relations Associate, Juliet Sullivan, and Research, Quality and Outcomes Committee Chair, Miranda Hallquist.
NSGC is excited to announce the launch of a new bridge that automatically transfers CEUs earned through NSGC to your American Board of Genetic Counseling (ABGC) recertification application! The ABGCxNSGC bridge launched on January 1, and as activities are finalized in NSGC’s system, you will see CEUs for activities you participated in pulling over to your ABGC recertification application. Please note that the automatic upload only applies to any CEUs earned after January 1, and that you will need to continue to manually add in any CEUs earned prior to that date.
Two New and One Returning Special Interest Group (SIG)
NSGC is excited to share that starting in 2025, there are two new SIGs that are now available for members to join - the Primary Care SIG and Skeletal Dysplasia SIG. Additionally, the Public Health SIG is returning and is now available to join within NSGCommunities.
Member Webinar Series
Little Things Matter: Things I Wish I Had Known Early in my Career- Part Two: Presented by the Late Career SIG
January 29
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm CT
Register for the January 29 Webinar
NSGC 44th Annual Conference
NSGC 44th Annual Conference Call for Sessions
This is your last chance to highlight work you have done throughout the year and to bring forward education on topics of importance to your fellow genetic counselors at the NSGC 44th Annual Conference. Submit a session proposal or provide a nomination for the 2025 Janus Lecture by January 31.
Awards and Grants
JEMF Full Member and Student Research Award Applications
The mission of the Jane Engelberg Memorial Fellowship (JEMF) is to provide support for research by genetic counselors, to promote individual professional development and to drive innovation in the field of genetic counseling. To learn more about Full Member and Student Research Awards, including application deadlines and requirements, visit the JEMF website.
J.E.D.I. Spotlight
Planning Ahead With the 2025 J.E.D.I. Awareness Calendar
As you schedule committee and SIG meetings, webinars and events for the year ahead, refer to the NSGC J.E.D.I. Awareness Calendar. The calendar includes a list of holidays, cultural celebrations and awareness dates organized by month.
J.E.D.I. Learnings from 2024
Learn about the insights and recommendations resulting from the 2024 J.E.D.I. Pulse Surveys conducted by the J.E.D.I. Stewardship Committee in this Perspectives article. Thank you to all NSGC members who participated in these surveys and shared their feedback.