The theoretical benefits of collaboration between patient support groups and genetic counselors have been discussed in the literature. However, no study has quantified the rate or ways that support groups utilize genetic counselors. This study surveyed one person in a leadership role at genetic support organizations to determine how many of the organizations have a relationship with genetic counselors, their utilization of genetic counselors, and their satisfaction with that relationship. It was found that 64.8% of organizations had a relationship with genetic counselors. Relationships were more likely to exist when organizations had full-time workers, had a primary focus on research, or offered a number and variety of services to members. Ways in which organizations utilized genetic counselors included as speakers at conferences, answering patient inquiries, and serving on expert panels. These relationships were supported through funding, networking, and patients connecting the two parties. Overall, representatives from organizations that had a relationship of any sort with genetic counselors were more likely to indicate satisfaction with that relationship than dissatisfaction (χ2(4, n = 89) = 45.053, p < 0.001). Even so, many respondents indicated that they wanted to continue to grow their relationship with genetic counselors but were hindered by the lack of funding or access to genetic counselors who could be engaged in their cause. Thus, while relationships and satisfaction with the relationship to genetic counselors were generally high, this study highlights access, outreach, and funding as areas of focus to improve utilization of genetic counselors in the support group sector.
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